EDITORIAL WORK (co-editor)

2000 – UHF nº1. Reformado, céntrico, soleado. UHF Research and Spreading Association. Madrid.

2001 – UHF nº2. 11 Escenarios Habitables envasados al vacío. UHF Research and Spreading Association. Madrid.

2002 – UHF nº3. Mapas. UHF Research and Spreading Association. Madrid.

2004 – UHF nº4. L. Murdoch Fontana. UHF Research and Spreading Association. Madrid.

2008 – UHF nº5. E.R.R.A. UHF Research and Spreading Association. Madrid.


WRITINGS (articles)

2006 – Prótesis para sonreír en un entorno hostil”. Catálogos de arquitectura, nº 19. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Murcia. Murcia.

2006 – De guante blanco”. Monoespacios. Fundación del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.

2007 – Warning: indicadores medioambientales”. Arquitectos, nº 182. Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España. Madrid.

2008 – Il movimiento disfrutista si é attivato con energía”. Press ST Letter.

2008 – Con-textos”. Con-textos 2008. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University. Madrid.

2009 – Aproximación a la fruición arquitectónica”. Proyectos y dibujos de arquitectura. ESAyT. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University. Madrid.

2009 – Arquiduales”. Cyan Magazine, nº4. Madrid.

2009 – El método disfrutista en la ideación de las nuevas ciudades”. Icono 14.  Madrid.

2009 – E.R.R.A.”(with UHF association). Pasajes de arquitectura y crítica, nº 105.  Madrid.

2011 – Copiar - pegar”. Arquitectos, nº 191. Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España. Madrid.

2011 – El disfrute de proyectar en el aula”. Proyectos 2010-2011 UPSAM. Pontifical University of Salamanca. Madrid.

2012 – Con D de disfrute”. Atlas D. ETSAM. Ed. Mairea Libros. Madrid.

2013 – Como Detour pasó, en unas pocas horas, de fabulosa iniciativa a espectacular acontecimiento experiencial”. Mapeo nº10. Taller Danza. FARQ Architecture School of Montevideo. Montevideo.

2013 – IV manifiesto disfrutista”. Mapeo nº10. Taller Danza. FARQ Architecture School of Montevideo. Montevideo.

2014 – Experiencia … Académica?”. Engawa nº 17. Ed. Engawa. Madrid.

2014 – Analógico vs. digital”. Conference digital proceedings. Critic/all Press. Madrid.

2014 – The hacienda must be built”. AA conversations. Architectural Association School of Architecture. London.


WRITINGS (books)

2011 – Metodología del disfrute: Cinco habilidades a desarrollar en el proceso proyectual. [Primer Manifiesto Disfrutista]. Editorial Académica Española. Madrid.

2012 – Trip-it. El viaje como herramienta formativa. Ed Bubok. Madrid.


MEDIA (blogs and webs) - Web site of the office archilla/peñalver, arquitectos, founded in 2001 with Covadonga Martínez-Peñalver. - Blog about the latest news from archilla/peñalver, arquitectos. - Blog for research and cultural spreading of the Disfrutista Movement (run with Covadonga Martínez-Peñalver) - Blog of the lecture series program curated at COAM Foundation with Covadonga Martínez-Peñalver. February 2009 (run with Covadonga Martínez-Peñalver) - Academic blog at School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid. (Run in collaboration with Juan Herreros and the other unit teachers) - Academic blog. Tecno-Fun-Work-Shop. ESAyT. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University. - Academic blog. Unit A (Archilla). ESAyT. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University. - Academic blog. Architectural Design 1 and 2. ESAyT. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University. - Academic blog. Architectural Design 7. ESAyT. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University.  - Academic blog. Final Degree Project. ESAyT. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University. - Academic blog. Architectural Design 0. Alfonso X University, Madrid (run with Pablo Saiz) - Academic blog. Vertical Architectural Design Studio. Pontifical University of Salamanca (run with Izabela Wieczorec) - Photography blog. - Research and editorial blog (run with UHF Research and Spreading Association)



2009 – CITYFUTURES’ 09. International Conference. Promoters: EURA / UAA. Paper: “Reformulating time and space urban relationship”. 4500 words. Accepted / Published / lecture.

2009 – CONGRESO DE ARQUITECTOS DE ESPAÑA 2009. National Conference. Promoters: CSCAE. Paper: “El método disfrutista”. 937 words. Accepted / Published (web)

2009 – CONGRESO DE ARQUITECTOS DE ESPAÑA 2009. National Conference. Promoters: CSCAE. Paper: “El interés como habilidad a potenciar en los procesos”. 1095 words. Accepted / Published (web) / lecture.

2009 – I CONGRESO CIUDADES CREATIVAS. International Conference. Promoters: UCM / Icono14. Paper: “El método disfrutista en la ideación de las nuevas ciudades”. 2600 words. Accepted / Published.

2012 – TOURBANISM 2012 (6th Conference IFOU). International Conference. Promoters: IFOU / ETSAB. Paper: “Vacational essence and university tourism”.  2088 words. Accepted.

2012 – I CONGRESO DE EDIFICIOS DE ENERGÍA CASI NULA. National Conference. Promoters: Tecmared Group / Solar Decathlon / Ministerio de Fomento de España. Paper: “Austeriza. Un caso práctico de gestión urbana de energía casi nula”. 1470 words. Accepted.

2014 – JORNADAS CIENTÍFICAS CONMEMORATIVAS. “CONSERVAR, REHABILITAR E INNOVAR”. National Conference. Promoters: Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja / Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España. Paper: “Upcycling textile industry materials into new construction materials”. 1943 words. Accepted.

2014 – CRITIC/ALL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Architectural Design & Criticism. Promoters: School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid. Member of the scientific committee.

2014 – CRITIC/ALL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Architectural Design & Criticism. Promoters: School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid. Working table leader: Analogic Vs. Digital.


2007 – CRITIC STUDY: PAVILLION AT THE RETIRO PARK, DESIGNED BY ÁBALOS&HERREROS. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University. Madrid. As part of the 2007 Architectural Week of Madrid activities.

2008 –THE PARK, CIRCLES, CARPETS AND TAPESTRIES. School of Architecture and Technology. Camilo José Cela University. Madrid. As part of the 2008 Architectural Week of Madrid activities.

2009 – UHF: A MAGAZINE FOR THE BRAIN. Polytechnic School. Milano. Italy. As part of the Lunchstorming events. Architectural Design Department.

2009 – NON-SCALAR DISPOSITIVES FOR A NEW MICROURBANISM. Informational Science School. Complutense University. Madrid. As part of Ciudades Creativas International Conference.

2009 – ERROR, RUIDO, RIESGO Y ACCIDENTE. School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid.


2010 – MEDIA, RESEARCH AND SPREAD. School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid. As part of the architectural publications research sessions in the Theory and Critic Lab. Master of Advanced Architectural Design.

2011 – ENJOYMENT METHODOLOGY. School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid. As part of the PRO-TESIS sessions for research fields and thesis development.

2011 – ENJOYMENT METHODOLOGY. FIVE ABILITIES TO DEVELOP DURING THE DESIGN PROCESS. Architecture and Design School. Zulia University. Maracaibo. Venezuela. As part of the inaugural session of the 1st B.A. of Art, Design and Architecture.

2011 – TEN QUOTIDIAN GLANCES. Vasco de Gama University School, Architecture and Landscape Department. Coimbra, Portugal. As part of the Ecological Urbanism International Workshop program.

2012 – SURF AND LIBRARIES. School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid. Initial lecture for the Spring Semester in Juan Herreros Unit.

2012 – TOURISM, LEISURE AND ENJOYMENT. THE DESIGN PROJECT AS AN AMAZING TRIP. Vasco de Gama University School, Architecture and Landscape Department. Coimbra, Portugal. As part of the Badja ku Sol International Workshop program.

2013 – SURFING SAFARI, at School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid. Lecture in the Advanced Architectural Design Master.

2013 – INSTANTES DIVERSOS DE COTIDIANO DISFRUTISMO, at FARQ Architecture School of Montevideo, Universidad de la República of Uruguay.

2013 – MARIDAJE DE ARQUITECTURA Y VIAJE, at FADU Architecture, Design and Urbanism School of Buenos Aires.

2013 – ¿FESTINA LENTE O FESTINA SCHERZO? at Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago de Chile.

2014 – MAPS, FROM THE DESIGN MAP TO THE MAP BUILDING, at Architectural Association School of Architecture. London.